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Full List of Publications

1. Architecture and Landscape Architecture | Hoahoanga me te Hangahanga-Whenua


  1. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Mwipiko, R. (2021). Therapeutic Landscapes and Indigenous Culture: Māori Health Models in Aotearoa/New Zealand. In J. C. Spee, A. J. McMurray, & M. D. McMillan (Eds.), Clan and Tribal Perspectives on Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability: Indigenous Stories From Around the Globe. Emerald Publishing Limited. Retrieved from

  2. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Chanse, V. (2020). Improving Community Health and Wellbeing through Multi-functional Green Infrastructure in Cities Undergoing Densification. Acta Horticulturae et Regiotecturae, 23(2), 101-107. doi:10.2478/ahr-2020-0020

  3. Marques, B., Freeman, C., Carter, L., & Pedersen Zari, M. (2020). Sense of Place and Belonging in Developing Culturally Appropriate Therapeutic Environments: A Review. Societies, 10(4), 83-101. doi:10.3390/soc10040083

  4. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Fairbrother, K. (2020). Architecture of geothermal places: socially and culturally responsive therapeutic landscapes. Journal of Cultural Geography, 1-22. doi:10.1080/08873631.2020.1820682

  5. Rodgers, M., Marques, B., & McIntosh, J. (2020). Connecting Māori Youth and Landscape Architecture Students through Participatory Design. Architecture and Culture, 1-19. doi:10.1080/20507828.2020.1768349

  6. Marques, B., & Baker, A. (2019). Rural Landscape Signatures: the interconnectedness of place, culture and ecosystems. Acta Architecturae Naturalis, 5(1), 37-51. Full text here

  7. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., Hatton, W., & Shanahan, D. (2019). Bicultural landscapes and ecological restoration in the compact city: The case of Zealandia as a sustainable ecosanctuary. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 14(1), 44-53. doi:10.1080/18626033.2019.1623545

  8. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Hatton, W. (2019). Indigenous Cultural Knowledge for Therapeutic Landscape Design. In Information Resources Management Association (Ed.), Geospatial Intelligence: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 92-116). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-8054-6.ch005

  9. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Hatton, W. (2018). Haumanu ipukarea, ki uta ki tai: (re)connecting to landscape and reviving the sense of belonging for health and wellbeing. Cities & Health. doi:10.1080/23748834.2018.1514754

  10. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Hatton, W. (2018). Indigenous cultural knowledge and therapeutic landscape design. In I. S. Rosa, J. C. Lopes, R. Ribeiro, & A. Mendes (Eds.), Handbook of Research of Methods and Tools for Assessing Cultural Landscape Adaptation (pp. 28-52). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-4186-8.ch002

  11. Marques, B. A., Grabasch, G., & McIntosh, J. (2018). Fostering Landscape Identity Through Participatory Design With Indigenous Cultures of Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand. Space and Culture, 1-16. doi:10.1177/1206331218783939

  12. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Campays, P. (2018). Participatory Design for Under-Represented Communities: a collaborative design-led research approach for place-making. In S. Chhabra (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement and Social Change in Contemporary Society (pp. 1-15). IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-4197-4.ch001

  13. McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. A. (2017). Interdisciplinary, Collaborative Design-led Research for Culturally-Diverse Communities. In D. Brown, M. Manfredo, P. McPhearson, A. Pretty, U. Rieger, & M. Southcombe (Eds.), Crossing Boundaries: Reflections on Applied Collaborative Architectural Research (pp. 33-43). Siracusa, Italy: LetteraVentidue Edizioni S.r.l.

  14. Baker, A., & Marques, B. A. (2017). Out of place: re-writing the signatures of a landscape. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 8(4), 1-12. doi:10.18848/2154-8676/CGP/v08i04/1-12

  15. Hatton, W., Marques, B., & McIntosh, J. (2017). Living with Nature: Tiaki Taiao, Tiaki Tangata, The case of Zealandia. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol (Eds.), Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference Design to Thrive Vol. II (pp. 2872-2879). Edinburgh. Full text here.

  16. Hatton, W., Marques, B. A., & McIntosh, J. (2017). Therapeutic landscapes: the role of culture. In A. Gospodini (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities III: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic Dimensions (pp. 1495-1503). Volos, Greece: Grafima Publications. Full text here.

  17. Kershaw, C., Lim, Joelle., McIntosh, J., Marques., & Cornwall, J. (2017). The role of cultural orientation in therapeutic landscape design. In E. Tracada, & G. Cairms (Eds.), AMPS Proceedings Series 10. Vol. 10 (pp. 50-57). University of Derby,: AMPS C.I.O. Full text here.

  18. McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2017). Designing for culturally diverse communities: the role of collaborative, interdisciplinary design-led research. The Journal of Public Space, 2(3), 21-30. doi:10.5204/jps.v2i3.109

  19. Hatton, W., Marques, B., & McIntosh, J. (2017). Matauranga Maori and the Therapeutic Landscape. In The IAFOR International Conference on the City 2017 Official Conference Proceedings. Barcelona, Spain. Full text here.

  20. Kershaw, C., Cornwall, J., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2017). Therapeutic Landscape Design for Older Persons Health and Wellbeing. In A. Gospodini (Ed.), Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Changing Cities III: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic Dimensoons (pp. 1163-1170). University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece: Grafima Publications. Full text here.

  21. Marques, B., Hunter, A., & Cole, K. (2016). Bridging the gap: indigenous methods as necessity to heal landscape and enhance cultural identity. In P. Bauer, M. Jabok, L. Ketterer Bonnelame, P. Petschek, D. Siegrist, & C. Tschumi (Eds.), Bridging the Gap: Proceedings of the ECLAS Conference Vol. 14 (pp. 297-300). Rapperswill: HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil. Full text here.

2. Medical, Healthcare & Public Health Promotion | Te Wāhanga Hauora


  1. Kuboshima Y, McIntosh J. (2020). Understanding the Spatial Requirements that Facilitate Personal Leisure Activities of the High-Needs Elderly. Journal of Geriatric Medicine, 2(1). doi: 10.30564/jgm.v2i1.2256

  2. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Lim, J. (2019). Designing Schools for Children with Impairments: The Powers of Architecture. The International Journal of Design in Society, 13(3), 17-29. doi:10.18848/2325-1328/cgp/v13i03/17-29

  3. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Kershaw, C. (2019). Healing spaces: improving health and wellbeing for the elderly through therapeutic landscape design. International Journal of Arts and Humanities, 3(2), 20-34. Full text here.

  4. Kershaw, C., Marques, B., & McIntosh, J. (2018). Rehabilitating Healthcare: Healthcare landscapes a catalyst for health, well-being and social equity. In P. Rajagopalan, & M. M. Andamon (Eds.), 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018 (pp. 511-516). RMIT University, Melbourne: RMIT University, Melbourne. Full text here.

  5. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Popoola, T. (n.d.). Green Prescriptions And Therapeutic Landscapes: A New Zealand Study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (25pp. S21-S21). doi:10.26686/wgtn.12413342

  6. Kershaw, C., Lim, J., McIntosh, J., Cornwall, J., & Marques, B. (2017). Developing Resilience, Independence and Well-being in Older Adults through Interactive Outdoor Space. In L. Brotas, S. Roaf, & F. Nicol (Eds.), Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference Design to Thrive Vol. III (pp. 4676-4683). Edinburgh. Full text here.

  7. Kershaw, C., McIntosh, J., Marques, B., Cornwall, J., Stoner, L., & Wood, P. (2017). A Potential Role for Outdoor, Interactive Spaces as Healthcare Intervention for Older Persons. Perspectives in Public Health, 137(4), 212-213. doi:10.1177/1757913917709402

  8. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & McKone, M. (2017). Removing disability: the restorative powers of landscape. In A. Gospodini (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities III: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic Dimensions (pp. 1540-1548). University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece: Grafima Publications. Full text here.

  9. Lambert, K., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. A. (2016). The wellbeing of people with younger onset dementia in aged-care facilities. In R. Coles, S. Costa, & S. Watson (Eds.), Well-Being 2016: Co-creating pathways to well-being (pp. 106-109). Birmingham: Birmingham City University. Full text here.

  10. Kuboshima, Y., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2016). Improving the sense of wellbeing for dependent older people living in supported housing. In R. Cole, S. Costa, & S. Watson (Eds.), Well-Being 2016: The third international conference exploring the multi-dimensions of well-being Vol. 3 (pp. 103-106). Birmingham: Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK. Full text here

  11. McKone, M., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2016). Enabling wilderness: creating the opportunity for disabled tramping within New Zealand’s National Parks. In R. Cole, S. Costa, S. Watson, & R. Coles (Eds.), Well-Being 2016: Co-creating pathways to well-being (pp. 189-191). Birmingham: Birmingham City University. Full text here.

  12. Kusjanto, G., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2016). Pathways to nature: towards an experiential landscape for dementia care environments. In R. Coles, S. Costa, & S. Watson (Eds.), Well-Being 2016: Co-creating pathways to well-being (pp. 75-77). Birmingham: Birmingham City University. Full text here.

3. Technology and Industrial Design | Hangarau me te Ahumahi-Hoahoa


  1. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., Valera, A., & Gaddam, A. (2020). Innovative and Assistive eHealth Technologies for Smart Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Outdoor Spaces for the Elderly Demographic. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(4), 76-97. doi:10.3390/mti4040076

  2. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., & Harkness, R. (2020). Simulating impairment through virtual reality. International Journal of Architectural Computing, 18(3), 284-295. doi:10.1177/1478077120914020

  3. Marques, B., McIntosh, J., & Carson, H. (2019). Whispering tales: using augmented reality to enhance cultural landscapes and indigenous values. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 15(3), 193-204. doi:10.1177/1177180119860266

  4. Gaddam, A., Wilkin, T., Angelova, M., Valera, A., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2019). Design & Development of IoT Based Rehabilitation Outdoor Landscape for Gait Phase Recognition. In 13th International Conference on Sensing Technology. Macquarie University: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICST46873.2019.9047727

  5. McIntosh, J., Rodgers, M., Marques, B., & Gibbard, A. (2019). The Use of VR for Creating Therapeutic Environments for the Health and Wellbeing of Military Personnel, Their Families and Their Communities. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, (1), 185-195. doi:10.14627/537663020

  6. Harkness, R., McIntosh, J., & Marques, B. (2018). Using virtual reality and participatory processes to design interstitial healthcare places. In P. Rajagopalan, & M. M. Andamon (Eds.), 52nd International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2018 (pp. 657-664). RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.: RMIT University. Full text here.

  7. Lim, J., McIntosh, J., Marques, B., Cornwall, J., & Rodriguez-Ramirez, E. (2017). Smart Systems for Rehabilitation and Independence. In A. Gospodini (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities III: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-Economic Dimensions (pp. 1171-1181). University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece: Grafima Publications. Full text here.

4. Others


  1. McIntosh, J., Marques, B., Palmer, M., & Ujung, V. (2019). The Outside In: The intensification of landscape in the Anthropocene. Enquiry : The ARCC Journal of Architectural Research, 16(1), 1-14. doi: 10.17831/enq:arcc.v16i1.445

  2. Zou, Z., Yi, X., & Marques, B. (2019). Design Construction of Chinese Courtyard Space in the Context of Deconstruction. In The International Conference of Experience Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (XD2019GoldCoast). Griffith Centre for Design and Innovation Research: Griffith Centre for Design and Innovation Research. Full text here

  3. Marques, B., & McIntosh, J. (2018). The Spell of the Visual and the Experience of the Sensory: Understanding Icons in the Built Environment. Charrette: Journal of the Association of Architectural Educators, 5(1), 68-77. Full text here.

  4. Petrovic, E., Marques, B. A., Perkins, N., & Marriage, G. (2018). Phenomenology in Spatial Design Disciplines: Could it offer a bridge to sustainability?. In P. Vermaas, & S. Vial (Eds.), Advancements in the Philosophy of Design (pp. 285-316). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-73302-9_14

  5. Marques, B. A., Hunter, A., & Cole, K. (2016). Resilient landscape infrastructures: improving identity through New Zealand’s natural heritage. In S. Gismondi (Ed.), 53rd IFLA World Congress Proceedings (pp. 182). Turin: Edifir-Edizione Firenze. Full text here.

  6. McIntosh, J., Campays, P., Pedersen Zari, M., & Marques, B. (2015). Education as mediation: Blurring the line between expert and lay knowledge. In D. K. Brown, M. Manfredini, P. McPherson, A. Pretty, U. Rieger, & M. Southcombe (Eds.), 8th International Conference and Exhibition of the Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia (AASA) (pp. 222-230). Christchurch, New Zealand: The Association of Architecture Schools of Australasia. Full text here.

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